

Cheryl A. Lockett Studios

Cheryl A Lockett, a vocal virtuoso, music entertainer, recording artist, and instructor, whose skills were developed through a cultural music apprenticeship at the early age of 4 years old, was intricately sculpted under the firm tutelage of world-class musicians within the professional music industry in the United States. She the daughter of the legendary Kenneth "Kenny" Craig, from the Merced Blue Notes. Highly skilled, Lockett’s voice impeccably reflects her commitment to excellence in music, and is an organic exhibition of vocal expression from the human spirit.

As a visual artist, Lockett began drawing at age 12. Her first instructor was her mother, Lila Williams-Craig , the first wife of Kenny Craig. She alone, was a prolific gospel vocalist and visual artist. She, of her own accord, exposed Lockett to perspective and figure drawings of two and three dimensions. Later influences were high school art instructors Marie Hondeville, Karen LeCocq, college professors Cheryl Barnett (sculpture) and Randy Kirksey (drawing), Judy Pittman-mosaic, and Anne Whitehurst-community murals.

Since 2003, Lockett has successfully managed two music and visual art enrichment studios in Northern California (Historical Downtown Sacramento and Merced, California). As a resident teaching artist, Lockett exposes youth to the dynamic world of fine arts. The main goal of this service is to enrich the lives of people by integrating fine art enrichment experiences into cultural routines. This effort is executed, by providing lessons in music and the visual arts. Furthermore, the service is not limited to TK-12, but to community and other public group entities, to invoke a cultural enrichment experience.

Instructional sessions and workshop content addresses aesthetic perception, art history, creative expression and aesthetic valuing components that strengthen the creative reasoning ability in people.

The phrase, "Where Sound and Sight Unite!" simply refer to the ability of combining music and visual art as a unit, to create and share the expression of ART publicly.

Cheryl Craig-Lockett, the Artist
Merced cultural treasures

Cheryl Lockett

Interview with ACTA (Alliance for California Traditional Artist)